Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Feminarian

You might be asking yourself, 

What's this blog about anyways?

Well, it is exactly as you might think it is based on the title.

I  a m  a  f e m i n i s t  g o i n g  t o  s e m i n a r y . 

Disclaimer: I haven't actually started classes yet. So come August 24, the above statement will be entirely true. For now, the sentiment will have to suffice as truth. 


This is a picture of me (left), my husband Will (right), and our friend Molly (center) on the day my husband and I tied the ol' covenant knot. In a few short weeks, the three of us will begin our journeys in even higher education at Denver Seminary. 

In approximately three years, each of us should have the following degrees:
  • Me: MA in Old Testament
  • Molly: MDiv, concentration in Christian Formation and Soul Care
  • Will: MDiv, concentration in Justice and Mission 

And here's why I am so excited.

I get to go to seminary with two of my best friends. 

We all graduated from Bethel University together and received degrees from the Biblical and Theological Studies department. So we already know everything there is to know about the Bible and theology. Joking. Plus, we've been through a lot together, like entire deconstructions of faith. Now we get to walk together as we pick up the pieces of what we once thought we knew and add it to all this new knowledge and experience we will encounter on our journey through seminary. Having friends is the best.

I get to study the Hebrew Bible. 

This is only my favorite of the two parts of the Bible! I will write a lengthy post later explaining my passion for the Hebrew Bible. In a nutshell, I am excited to learn how the Hebrew Bible speaks towards justice, gender and racial equality, and its relevancy in our lives today. Oh, and the Hebrew Bible is the same as the Old Testament, it is the bible of the Hebrew people. As Christians, they are seemingly interchangeable, but I prefer 'Hebrew Bible' as it is not offensive to our Jewish sisters and brothers. 

I get to live in Colorado again.

I spent the first 18 years of my life in 'The Mile High City.' Well, Aurora to be more exact. After spending the last four years in 'The Great White North' of Minneapolis, I am more than excited to live in Colorado again. Sunshine, not as many bugs, no humidity, mild winters, MOUNTAINS, Chick Fil A's on every corner...I could go on and on about my love for this state, but I shan't. I love Minnesota, but I will always love Colorado. 

So, stay tuned for more fun, theology, exegesis, and personal stories.

- - O V E R  A N D  O U T .

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